Vancouver Dental Spa is devoted to the finest care for your smile, even in a dental emergency type of situation. If you do experience a dental emergency of any kind, we urge you to contact us immediately so we can give you the compassionate care you need quickly. When you visit our friendly and comfortable office, we will do everything possible to help you stay relaxed while we address your specific issue. We invite you to contact us today if you would like more information about our high-quality emergency care in Vancouver, BC.
Where To Get Emergency Treatment In Vancouver?
At our office, we understand that you cannot always plan when you will need our care. If you experience a dental emergency of any kind, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible so that our emergency dentists in Vancouver can help eliminate any discomfort or pain that you may have, and fix the issue. Our team will schedule you an appointment to meet with our dentist as soon as possible, so you can receive the care you need and return to your life as normal.

Vancouver Dental Spa
Where The Experience Meets Expertise
Get a consultation with our qualified dentists in Vancouver.

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We are happy to care for several types of dental emergencies, including:
- Severe, lasting toothaches or other tooth pain
- A knocked-out tooth
- A partially knocked-out (extruded) tooth
- A chipped or broken tooth
- A cracked or fractured tooth
- Damage to the soft tissues of the mouth, including the cheeks, lips, and gums
- A lost dental restoration, such as a lost filling or crown
- Swollen gums
- Chipped or cracked tooth
- Loose tooth
- Bleeding gums
- Abscess
- Dental trauma
- Infection
- Dry socket