Is It Time For a Whiter Smile?

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Teeth bleaching is a quick and economical procedure that gives immediate outcomes. You can walk in during your lunch break with boring, yellow teeth and leave with brilliant, polished-looking teeth. For most of us, expert teeth whitening is a fast way to increase your appearance and make you appear younger-looking.

If you’re curious about this cosmetic oral procedure or cosmetic dentistry, you might be asking yourself just how it works.

Why Are My Teeth Stained?

While often the shade of our teeth is just genetics, there are external influences that can tarnish or yellow our teeth, including:

  • Dark fluids like coffee, tea, wine, and alcohol
  • Curries, tomato sauces, berries– anything that would stain a white table linen
  • Cigarette products heavily discolor teeth
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Aging

Expert Teeth Bleaching in Vancouver Will Brighten Your Smile

With our in-office and also at-home bleaching treatments, we can easily help you brighten your smile. Getting your teeth lightened in our office is usually much faster, as well as the results are visible right after the procedure. The entire process can use up to 90 mins, you may need to schedule visits to recover the bleaching.

For those that favor the ease of home treatments, the results will certainly happen over a more extended period of time. It may take several weeks to get the shade you desire.

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