Keeping your smile scare-free this Halloween

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Halloween is a fun time of year for the whole family. With pumpkin carving, costumes, and trick or treating, it is easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget about your dental routine. Here are a few of the easiest tricks from the dentists at Vancouver Dental Spa to keep your smile scare-free this Halloween and prevent tooth decay.


Be Selective

A trick or treaters bag at the end of the night is full of all sorts of delicious treats. One easy dental hygiene tips for Halloween to remember is to encourage children (and maybe yourself too!) to opt for the candy that melts fast and can be eaten quickly. Some sugary candies like caramels can linger in the mouth and on your teeth. Lingering sugar in the mouth will produce more acid which leads to tooth decay.

Focus on Dental Hygiene

In the excitement of the night, children might need a little extra push to stay on top of their dental hygiene routines. Remind kids to brush after eating candies, and also rinse when possible if they are somewhere like school and do not have access to their toothbrush. Rinsing with water or brushing lessens the amount of time that the sugar stays on their teeth.

Don’t Forget About Vegetables!

Before heading out for trick or treating, eating a big nutritious meal can help fill children up and give them less desire to over-consume candy. If you’re going to be sending treats with school lunches, try to balance them out with healthy snacks and a healthy drink to help wash away food particles.

These few tips can be helpful all year round, not just for Halloween, to keep your dental hygiene in check. Candy is not the enemy, poor dental hygiene is. If you have any questions about how to keep you and your family’s teeth healthy this Halloween season, give us a call. 

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